After a series of unexpected events, including the pandemic lockdown which was catastrophic to my industry worldwide and a subsequent 8-month! industry strike and general work slowdown, I found myself hopelessly behind in paying my IRS taxes. Of course, with that string of bad luck, naturally the IRS decided that now would be the best time to demand payment. Might as well kick me when I’m already down.
I had heard countless radio ads over the years for tax relief services, but now it seemed I needed help from someone who could help me as financial matters have never been my specialty. After some research, I came across information for FORTRESS TAX RELIEF, who I had never heard of before, yet the company was highly rated. It was a bit more expensive than the other options, and I was still struggling to just pay normal bills, but I decided that I needed the best to help me manage this spiraling situation.
After speaking with the owner about my circumstances, he handed me off to Mr. David Feldman and his assistant, Amber, who patiently listened to my story. They seemed to understand the difficulties that got me here and worked tirelessly to negotiate a payment plan that was more realistic than what the IRS initially was demanding. I still owe a lot of money and am still struggling with income, but without David and Amber’s help, the situation would be far far worse.
David went above and beyond as we ran into an unexpected snag with one of my payroll companies which erroneously withheld THOUSANDS of dollars that they shouldn’t have. David helped get to the bottom of their error in conjunction with the IRS agent and thankfully stopped the wrongly garnishments, money I really could have used all that time (and now!).
Both David and Amber have been so kind, helpful, and always available to answer any questions I have. Their calm demeanor has been truly welcome during a very stressful time. I really can’t recommend Fortress enough.
Stephen K. Galgoczy's reply on Dec 3, 2024
"The reason Fortress is ranked #1 nationally by Forbes for complex tax issues is simple. We have fantastic tax relief attorneys like David, knowledgeable and caring support staff like Amber, and owners who are committed to excellence and who clients can contact directly at any time if they are anything less than 100% satisfied. Your story of the IRS making unreasonable demands is, sadly, all too common. Very few people in that situation know their rights as taxpayers, nor do they have any idea how to exercise those rights, nor do they know how to navigate the complex and aggravating IRS bureaucracy. Our attorneys know all these things inside and out. Getting our clients the most favorable tax relief terms to which they are entitled by law given their set of circumstances is our minimum acceptable. And we fight, go the extra mile, and often succeed at getting our clients far better terms than that. Mission accomplished on your case! Thank you for being a great client and for putting your trust in us!"