Overview of the Power of the Taxcure Pro Membership

benefits of taxcure pro membership

Discover the benefits of TaxCure Pro Membership, designed to help tax resolution professionals effortlessly grow their practice and boost their revenue. Take advantage of our unique features and resources to unlock your business's full potential.

First, do you see the professionals listed in the right column if you are viewing on a desktop? (bottom of the page if viewing on a mobile device) Well, these professionals are the tax pros that show to taxpayers in your area based on the tax problems or solutions they can help with (The selection used for this page is for a general topic on Unpaid IRS Taxes. The results vary based on the page being viewed. Yes, we have a complex algorithm to help paid pros get seen for only the topics they help with!). You can only be seen on content pages if you are a paid member. These pages get 10s of thousands of visits a month and we are always expanding on content based on the problems and solutions that our TaxCure Pro members offer.

Benefit #1: Increased Visibility with Unique Algorithm

TaxCure Pro Membership promotes your profile to taxpayers who are most likely to hire you based on our unique algorithm and search criteria. Experience a significant advantage in attracting new clients with an impressive 1045% more inquiries compared to free members.

Benefit #2: Top Placement in Search Results

Appear at the top of search results and enjoy increased visibility, as 80% of taxpayers choose to reach out to professionals listed at the top. As a Pro Member, you'll be displayed above organic results, often appearing twice if you qualify for a top spot. Just search yourself for your area. Here is a sample search for a taxpayer looking for help for professionals that help with an IRS garnishment, unpaid taxes, & tax penalties. Take note of the top two professionals that display, that is where you would be when upgraded to the pro membership, and you would have two listings on the page (one that says Ad, other that is organic). 

Benefit #3: Exclusive Visibility on Content Pages

Gain additional exposure to potential clients with exclusive visibility on content pages related to various tax problems and solutions. With over 50,000 visitors viewing these pages in the past month, only paid Pro Members are listed, giving you an edge in attracting new leads. For example, if you view one of our content pages on unfiled tax returns, which drives clients that have multiple years of unfiled returns to the site, you can see the listings of the paid members on the right-hand column when viewing on a desktop or at the bottom of the page on mobile. 

We are constantly investing in our content to help drive prospects to our pro members. Suppose you help with a specific state tax agency as well. In that case, we are consistently putting out new content on state issues and solutions that target problems and solutions a taxpayer needs help with based on the agency experience our pro members have. You can navigate to our state guide section here, and when you become a pro member, we will work to optimize our site to serve you more targeted prospects. 

Benefit #4: Click-to-Call Button for Easy Contact

Provide potential clients with a convenient click-to-call button on your profile. Cater to those who prefer calling over messaging, making it easier for them to get in touch with you and increasing your chances of securing new clients. Click-to-call leads makeup over 50% of all inquiries on TaxCure and not having a call button means you are potentially missing out on potential clients. 

Benefit #5: Instant Notifications for Prospect Information

Stay on top of new leads with instant notifications of prospect information via email and text messages. Respond quickly without needing to log in to the TaxCure platform, maintaining a competitive edge in the fast-paced tax resolution industry. Once you upgrade, a simple change in your settings will send text messages directly to your phone when someone reaches out. Responding quickly increases close rates significantly.

Benefit #6: Access to Webinars and Premium Content

Expand your knowledge and stay updated on industry trends with exclusive access to webinars and premium content. Enhance your practice and gain a competitive edge with valuable insights and best practices designed to help tax professionals grow their businesses.

Benefit #7: Profile Analytics and Social Media Integration

Track your success with profile analytics, providing data on views, messages, website clicks, and click-to-calls. Boost your online presence with public social media links, allowing potential clients to easily learn more about you and your practice.

Benefit #8: Removal of Similar Profiles from Your Profile Page

Ensure that potential clients focus on your unique offerings by removing similar profiles from your profile page. This way, when a taxpayer views your profile, they won't be distracted by other suggested professionals.

Benefit #9: Custom Byline for Enhanced Branding

Stand out from the competition with a custom byline that you can edit and use as an ad for yourself in the search results. This personalized touch can make your profile even more appealing to potential clients. You can check out this search for what your local competition includes in their bylines. Just look for the profiles with the orange click-to-call button as they are paying members and likely have updated their byline.

Experience Growth With Little to No Maintenance

TaxCure Pro Membership offers a low-maintenance solution for tax resolution professionals looking to grow their practice and increase their revenue by $10,000 to $30,000 a year. With exclusive features and resources designed to optimize your visibility, attract new clients, and showcase your unique brand, TaxCure Pro Membership is the perfect platform for your business's success. Sign up today and experience the difference for yourself!