Do you need to find tax information from past years? If so, do you know how you can get it? First, you should determine what it is you need. Are you missing W-2 information, line item information or do you need a copy of your entire tax return? These are the items most often needed when resolving tax problems and here is information that can help you obtain the information you need.
To Obtain IRS Transcripts for Prior Tax Years
If you are looking for tax return information that was filed in the current year or up to three years prior, you can get from the IRS, free of charge, what is called a Tax Return Transcript. An IRS tax transcript shows most of the line items that were on your original return as well as any additional forms or schedules filed. If however, you made any changes to your tax return after you submitted it, this transcript will not contain this information.
If you made any changes after you initially filed your tax return, you would need to request a tax account transcript, again this information is free of charge. This transcript will include any adjustments that were made on your return at a later date or by the IRS. The transcript will consist of primary data like your marital status and the type of return filed. Additionally, it will contain your adjusted gross income as well as your taxable income.
To request either transcript online, go to and look for their new online tool called Order A Transcript. If you select this option, make sure the IRS has your current address as that is where the returns will be filed. If you don’t think they have the correct address, request a tax return transcript through the mail by completing IRS Form 4506T-EZ if you need a tax return transcript. Otherwise, you can utilize form 4506-T. Businesses, partnerships, and individuals who need transcript information from other types of forms or need a tax account transcript must use the Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return. To order by phone, call 800-908-9946 and follow the prompts in the recorded message.
If you place your transcript order by phone or online, you most likely will receive the requested information much faster than if you mail 4506-T.
To Obtain A Complete Copy of A Past Tax Return
If a transcript is not enough and you need a full copy of your tax return, you can still get it, but it will cost you, $57.00 for each year’s tax return that you request. You can request actual copies usually for the current year and up to six years prior. You will need to fill out IRS form 4056 and mail it with payment to the IRS address listed on the IRS form. The IRS asks that you allow 60 days ford processing.
To Obtain A Copy of Your W-2’s Or W-2 Information
If you are looking for information that was on your W-2’s from previous tax years, you will be able to get the information by utilizing form 4506-T and selecting option eight. Just follow the previously listed steps to get your copy. If, however, you want a copy of your W-2 the only way to get it is to order a copy of your full tax return or request it from your employer/previous employer. It again can be accomplished by filling out from 4506 and mailing it to the IRS with a $57.00 payment for each year you select.
Need to Find How Much You Owe?
If you are looking for whether or not you have any balance with the IRS for a particular year, you can request a “Record of Account” using Form 4506-T, and by selecting 6C on the form. Be sure to read the directions to fill out this form correctly