In an effort to assist taxpayers who work Monday through Friday, or for some other reason are unable to get to an IRS office during the workweek, the IRS will open Taxpayer Assistance Centers this weekend at 74 locations nationwide. The Saturday Open House will take place this Saturday, June 16, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Free assistance will be provided to taxpayers who have general tax-related questions, who need help with tax filing issues who have account questions or want to arrange or make account payments, or who want to work with the IRS to have a tax lien withdrawn through setting up an installment agreement or another payment plan.
Additionally, most locations will offer limited help preparing tax forms.
These services will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. The IRS will not be taking appointments for the Saturday Open House. The full list of locations can be found on the Saturday Service Locations page. Just click your state for the address (note not all states have an open house tomorrow).